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The GBS Impact emphasises the publication of original research that contributes to new knowledge and understanding in management and other related fields. This journal primarily considers descriptive research and cases that enhance understanding and provides a platform for research scholars, academicians, and corporate executives to disseminate their innovative, field-based research, and practical experiences through the publication for the benefit of society at large and the world of business. We are proud and privileged to place before you the eighth volume, issue II, of our biannual multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed GBS Impact.

The researcher's primary goals in “AI in Academic Hiring: Creating a Sustainable Workplace through Right Sourcing and Human Resource Management” were to investigate AI and improvements in the HR domain, as well as applications to HR tasks and strategies for recruitment practices, interviews, and hiring.

The research article, A STUDY ON “STRESS MANAGEMENT” AMONG SCHOOL TEACHERS, explores stress among teachers and investigates the psychological and physiological impact of stress on teachers. The high school students have been interviewed. According to the findings, stress has an impact on productivity, performance, and work-life balance.

Further, we have a paper titled The implication of interdisciplinary approach in education – An exploratory study’, which helps us understand the changing environment at the teaching-learning interface and how many different learning styles have been coined by different researchers and experts in the field. One such new approach that has been witnessed is the interdisciplinary approach. The interdisciplinary approach has been implemented in educational institutions for teaching-learning interfaces, team building, subject enhancement, research development, and so on.

A STUDY ON IMPACT OF RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR ON CRUDE OIL PRICES IN INDIA- The research article will give a quick insight into the impact of the Russia and Ukraine war and its grievous impact on the global economy. the foreign trade and uncertainty facing the world and India towards crude oil and natural gas. The study discusses the price level and benchmark indexes of crude oil, which are Brent, WTI, and the OPEC basket.

“Study on Post Listing Performance of IPO” provides in-depth research on recent stock market developments, economic growth, and new investor attractions around the world. This work further encourages readers to read about the performance of initial public offerings (IPOs) in the primary market. The research focuses on analysing the performance of post-listing IPOs on the national exchange and determining whether these IPOs were under-priced in the short run, as well as identifying key factors influencing such IPOs' short-term movement. The study may also provide some input for possible investors who decide to invest in IPOs.

The research study “Assessment of consumer awareness on food labels and the effect of the level of awareness on the purchasing behaviour of consumers” aims to validate food labelling and its impact on customer purchasing decisions, intentions, and the value of food product labels.

Further, we have a research title, “The Loan Waiver Schemes in Karnataka and their impact on farmers’, is an attempt to know the various loan waiver schemes of PACS in Karnataka and their impact on the economical life of the farmers. A study found that the government of Karnataka announced various loan waiver schemes in recent years, and farmers have benefited.

The biography case “Freedom Movement in Haveri Region: Role of Siddamati Mailar and Nagamma Veeranagouda Patil” aims to shed light on the role of regional freedom fighters in the freedom movement and their various unconditional contributions to the nation. The dedication, devotion, and nationalism of the great people “Siddamati Mailar” and “Nagamma Veeranagouda Patil” of Karnataka are depicted.

“THE RISE OF E-COMMERCE,” the study of rapid growth in technology and business competition, levels the playing field for e-commerce and its impact on traditional commerce. Dominance with easy access to home delivery of the products and services and several impacts, such as job loss, might further affect the economy of a nation.

We have a research article, “Migration and social change in rural India,” which gives insight on migration and its impact on social change and development. Transnationality is the process by which people establish and maintain socio-cultural connections across geopolitical boundaries. This study is an attempt to understand the role of migration in rural social change in India.

The article “Ethics and sustainable development in Indian context’ deliberates on “Ecology,” the common heritage for all human beings, the needs of society increasing day by day, and its effect on the natural world and its environment. Natural resources are limited and irrecoverable. The challenge of sustainable development at the national and international levels posed by natural resource depletion, industrialization, urbanization, scientific and technological advancement, and tremendous population growth pose a major threat to human survival.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an effort towards the relationship between the business environment (BE) and the real estate industry arose in this exploratory research study paper, “The New Normal: Business Environment Resilience of the Real Estate Industry.” The COVID-19 pandemic created extensive economic disturbances, business challenges, and potential for future business in the present-day BE for various businesses' functions and/or lines of business, even for the real estate industry as well.

We trust that these collections of research articles, case studies, and biographies, along with the enriched experiences of the authors, in this issue will benefit the industry, academicians, and policymakers. I look forward to your valuable feedback, which will enable us to make this publication more relevant and useful in the present context.

Dr. Tejas B. Vyas
Director, GBS Hubli

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